
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2011 happenings

So maybe it has been eleven months since I have blogged... I'm not even going to say anything about that... haha

Things have been going pretty well for me. Fall and Winter semesters were pretty difficult, I took a total of 6 chemistry classes. It was hard but I got through it. I am officially done with organic chemistry! Winter semester I got a tutor, I don't know what I would have done if I didn't. It totally saved my life. BYU has two minisemesters in the in summer, one is called Spring and one Summer. The semesters are half as long, and you take have as many credits, but it moves pretty quickly. I took a chemistry lab and a physics class Spring semester. It was seriously hard and time consuming. My chemistry class was 16 hours a week IN CLASS. Not including the time I spent on homework! And physics is just not my thing, so let's just say when finals for spring came, I was done! I'm not taking Summer classes. I just needed a break! The day after finals I went home to Texas for 3 weeks. It was exactly what I needed! There was a Fitt family reunion (my mom's side) in South Padre Island, celebrating Allison's birthday, babysitting for five days, and just hanging out with my parents. I thought three weeks would be plenty, but it wasn't :/ I was still sad to leave! So I decided that I am coming back out to Texas in August! It will be fun to see everyone and hang out with my parents!

Since I am not in school right now I have a fair amount of free time on my hands. It has been so nice! I've actually been able to do some reading for fun! I've read The Heart and the Fist by Eric Greitens which I highly recommend! I just really enjoy these nonfiction books about people trying to make a difference in the world! He is an incredible person! I also just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I've been meaning to read it for a long time, I've heard so many good things about it, and not with the movie coming out I wanted to read it first! I'm so glad I did. I really enjoyed that one as well!

Well that's it for now. Hopefully I can slowly start catching up on things!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So if you are enrolled in a math class at BYU, there is a math lab, where there are students working who will help you with your math homework. This concept is not foreign to me because I have taken chemistry classes and there is a chemistry lab that is the same basic concept, but the math lab totally ownss the chem lab. Just sayin. There is a inorganic chemistry lab, and an organic chemistry lab with different TAs in each of them, and they are totally helpful and everything. Not hating on the chem lab...

But I was amazed by the math lab. Those people are insane! You walk in and put your name on a list and then one of the workers will come and call your name and then they can help you with like anything. ANYTHING. Like and it doesn't take them a while to try and figure out what you are doing. They are just like oh, you do this. I think what amazes me most, is that they aren't TAs for a certain class, they are just there to help with any math class! haha so impressive!

Did I mention that I love my job where I can post on my blog, listen to music, eat my lunch, do homework, and play spider solitaire?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Back in Provo,

Has it really been since June 28th (Allison's Birthday!) since I last blogged. How awful am I? It's so overwhelming, when you get so far behind and you don't even know where to begin. How can I blog again when it will take me weeks to get caught up...

Well you have to begin somewhere! This Summer was so amazing. When I first arrived in Florida it was so exciting. There were so many things to do, work was fun, and I could get into the parks whenever I wanted for free! There were so many people from BYU in the Disney College Program, and it was so fun to get to know all of them because now that I am back in Provo, I can keep in touch with them.

The excitement wore off for a while and for about three weeks I was really unhappy. I was working six days a week, and the one day a week that I had off, I felt like I had to get things done rather than go out with people and have a lot of fun. One of my best friends, Laura, went with me, but our schedules were not compatible at all, so we rarely saw each other even though we were roommates!

My Summer turned around when I remembered that I had come to Florida to have fun, not to make money. So I started giving shifts away to my coworkers and began to have fun again. It made such a huge difference. I began going to the parks like all the time and made so many new friends.

Laura never really got over not enjoying it, which is a shame because I loved my Summer so much. But when her parents came for a visit in July she drove home with them! I was sad to lose my friend and roommate, but we had plans to room together in the Fall, so I figured it wasn't that huge of a deal.

All in all my Summer was not what I had expected it to be, but it was so worth it. People ask me all the time if I would do it again. And my answer is, I don't know. I don't think I would personally do it again, just because I already had that experience and I want to do something new now, but that doesn't mean I don't recommend it, because I totally do. The one thing I would say is that it is a huge convenience to have your own car rather than trying to take the buses. That was a bit of a pain.

I feel like I spent the perfect amount of time in Florida. I loved it, but was ready to get back to Provo. It is really fun to be like yeah... I worked there. And I feel like I know so much more about the place than I did before. Before I knew that there were four parks.... and it was in Florida... and that about it. haha. But I know so much more now. I can't wait until I have my own kids and I am able to take them there.

August 13th I moved out of my apartment in Vista Way and caught a flight back to good ole' Salt Lake City. Even though there were two weeks before school began, I had a new job lined up in Provo, and my boss here wanted me to begin work on August 16th, not enough time to go home although I would have liked to.

Even though I wasn't able to go home, my parents had a trip planned out to Utah! It was so fun to have them in town. My mom and dad, sister Kelli and I were all able to run the Top of Utah Half marathon together! It was so fun to race with my dad and Kelli because it is usually just my mom and I! The race itself for me was definitely not the best. I've gotten so out of shape. It was really hard running in Florida because it was so hot and I was so busy all the time. It's so frustrating how much time and work it takes to get into shape, and then you lose it so quickly. But I'll get back there. I am signed up to run a Ragnar Relay in Las Vegas October 22nd and 23rd and the Provo Halloween Half Marathon on October 30th. That should be enough motivation for me to get going again!

I am currently working at the copy center in the basement of the Abraham Smoot Administration Building. It's so easy, especially because I have experience working with copiers when I worked at Office Depot in high school. I sit at a desk and bill departments of the school, answer phones, make an occasional copy, and do homework! This is my first time working and taking classes in college. I didn't think that it was going to be a big deal, but working 20 hours a week is a lot! I did luck out with a job that will allow me to get some homework done, but even so, it's a bit stressful. School has only been in session for a week and I'm struggling.

This semester I am taking Organic Chemistry, Physics for science majors, Introductory Sociology, Linear Algebra, Judaism and the Gospel, and LDS Marriage and Family Preparation.

Mostly my chemistry, physics, and math class are killing me. I think it is because those classes are the kind of classes where you have daily homework, so they really keep me super busy. I'm hoping that once the semester goes on, I will be able to get into a regular routine and not be quite as stressed out.

Today is Labor Day! aka- no work or school! I needed a break.

Miss you all :]

Monday, June 28, 2010

Someone is 19 Today :]

Who you may ask?


Allison and I have been best friends since for almost sixteen years now!

I couldn't find the reallyyy old pictures, but some of these are pretty good :]

Allison is fabulous. She has always been there for me no matter what. We've been through so much together. I miss you like crazy girl. I hope you have an amazing birthday! I love you!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Everytime I've gone to the gym the past week every cardio machine has been in use! So most days I was like oh I guess that means I can't work out... and then I didn't. So bad! Again when I went the tiny gym was packed! So I finally decided I would run outside. It really amazes me how quickly you can get out of shape. I only ran two miles this morning, but I was so tired when I finished. It doesn't help that the heat index was 108. But that's besides the point. I'm make a new commitment to run at least five days a week. I am currently registered to run a half marathon in August and a full in September, so I need to get back into the swing of things.

I had yesterday off which was a great break. I didn't do anything super big, but it was nice to relax. I went to Walmart, which was totally needed. I had like a potato and some carrots left. Pretty much nothing. Since I hadn't been in so long I had to buy so much! I spent over $180. But I'm hoping that will hold me over until my parents come visit :] It's such a pain here to go shopping because you have to take a bus! But I bought so much that I couldn't take the bus home, luckily my roommate with a car came and picked me up! We hung out most of the day and I cleaned our apartment (it needed it...)

I have today off too! It's great! I'm going to go to the pool soon and read the book I'm reading right now.

I'm not really far enough into it to totally recommend it, but I really like it so far. One of the authors, Greg Mortenson, came to BYU this past semester and spoke. He was a great speaker. I love summertime when you can read books for fun!

Laura was transferred to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique because stock was hurting her knee. I'm quite jealous of her job! She gets to the do the cute girls hair and talk about how Cinderella asked her to come work for her! So cute! She's actually been sick for the past week but she's feeling better. She's leaving town tomorrow for five days! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself! Haha kidding.

I've just been working and going to the parks. It's really fun to have unlimited fun at the fun! I'm starting to get to know where things are.

Me, Bekka, and Clint in front of the Sorcerer's Hat at Hollywood Studios!

haha so fun to see characters! Pooh and Tigger!

Me and Bekka in front of the tree at Animal Kingdom!

Jessi, Me and Mike in front of Mount Everest at Animal Kingdom. Expedition Everest is great. Just great. haha.
In the very front row is Eric, Laura and Me on Splash Mountain in Magic Kingdom. On really busy nights they will squeeze three people to a row. It was tight...
Star Wars weekends in Hollywood Studios!
Sarah, Laura and I at the Indiana Jones show in Hollywood Studios! It's been a fun month. I still miss Texas though... My parent are coming to visit July 6th though! They'll be here for my mom's birthday! I'm trying to decide what we should do to celebrate!

Monday, June 21, 2010

why i am so bad at blogging.

Umm. I'm not sure if there is even a real answer to that question. haha.

Seriously. I cannot believe my time here in Florida is already half-way over. It is seriously insane! It's already June 21st. So crazy! But it's good. The first month that I was here in Orlando I was having trouble adjusting. I thought that everything was just going to be super fun, but it was harder than I expected. I was working all the time and had trouble finding friends that had the same standards as I did. I was really homesick and wanted to come home really bad, but I am so glad that I didn't. This past month has been what I came here for. I have made some awesome friends and am liking work for the most part. It's so fun to just go to the parks whenever you want. It's nice to be able to go and not feel obligated to stay the whole day, just a couple of hours here and there. It is really hot here. Like really hot. My body is going through whiplash, Houston, Provo, Orlando, Provo. Haha. We also have thunderstorms like all the time here. It's so great being a lifeguard.... we close pretty much everyday; But I have to act like it is the most horrible thing ever.. haha.

It's been a filled weekend, Saturday was my sister, Kelli's Birthday! So exciting! I'm so sad that I wasn't in Utah to celebrate with her! I decided that when I get back in August we are going to go to a Birthday dinner :]

Saturday was also my cousin, David's Birthday. He turned nineteen! On Saturday he went through the temple and was set apart as a missionary for our church. On Wednesday he will enter the Missionary Training Center and be gone for 2 years serving the people of Sacramento, California. I am so excited for him. It's going to be a great experience!

Yesterday was Father's Day as most people know... and I just wanted to send a shout out to my awesome Dad even though I don't think he reads this... But anyways! I have an awesome Dad. He is one of the nicest people I know. I honestly can't remember a time where he ever got angry with me or raised his voice at me. He does so much for our family and I love him so much! Happy Father's Day!

Expect updates with some awesome pictures coming soon! I miss everyone!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello Readers!

Sorry that I haven't updated in forever but I've seriously been insanely busy. I took finals and they went pretty well. It was so amazing to finish my freshman year at BYU. I liked my time there, but I'm glad it is over. I really need a break. And I would say that working at Disney World could be considered a pretty good break :]
I took my finals on a Friday, the same day that my mom came in town. It was so exciting because I hadn't seen my mom since Christmas Break! I went to the airport where my sister, Julie, sister-in-law Amy, and nephew Jack were all waiting! Then all of us went to downtown Salt Lake City and checked into our hotel! Kelli joined us later as we went to Buca di Beppo to carb load! The next morning my mom, Amy and I got up super early and made our way to the start line of the SLC Marathon. The race was huge. There were like ten thousand racers.
It was a really hard race for me. I usually enjoy the first ten miles, and then the pain sets in, but not this time. I was feeling awful from the very beginning. But it was such an amazing race for me because even though it was one of the hardest things I've ever done, I felt so amazing. I finished in 1:59:36... my goal was to finish in under 2 hours. I just barely made it and it was such a thrill! I don't know what is wrong with me, maybe I am just an emotional person, but I was super emotional at the finish line! After the race we all headed back to my sister, Kelli's apartment. The next was just a lot of fun. I mostly just hung out at my sister's place with my mom.
We hung out and just had a lot of fun. We went and did some shopping, watched movies, and hung out with family. I saw my aunt and uncle which was fun because they are leaving in June to go to France on a mission for our church. I then went back to Provo to say by to the friends I had made my freshman year of college!

It was good to see them and I really hope we keep in touch with them next year!
That weekend we spent some time at a different aunt's house and babysat my nephew! He is so cute. We went bowling twice because he absolutely loves it! And he's pretty good. He totally beat me both times! Buttt.. I do have to say that he got bumpers and I didn't! haha.

On Sunday morning I flew to Houston and got to hang out with my Dad for like a hour. It was so good. I hadn't seen him since Christmas either. I missed him! I then caught a plane to Orlando, met up with my friend Laura and then we stayed at a hotel Sunday night. We woke up really early to catch a bus to Vista Way apartments to check into the Disney College Program! It was so fun. We got assigned to our apartment and moved in! The apartment isn't that great. But 2,800 people all from the disney college program live there and it's a really fun social place!

After we got moved in we went onto Disney property and got fingerprinted for background checks. Tuesday morning we got went and registered some information. They gave us a lot of information and then checked us for the "Disney Look." Pretty much just make sure you don't have too many piercings or tattoos and such. Well one of the requirements is that you don't have any extreme hairstyles or colors. Well apparently mine was too intense because they made me dye it. So now my hair is officially brown! Wahoo! Seriously Disney is super hardcore. If you do anything wrong they will kick you out of the program. Good thing I'm not going to do anything crazy or scandalous! Anyways! I also had a swim test for lifeguarding and I passed! Very excited. I found out that I am working at Port Orleans Resort. I will move around a little bit, but that is my main spot! I start training there tomorrow! On wednesday we got our passes that let us into the parks as much as we want! So of course we have been going as much as possible! We've gone to Magic Kingdom and Epcot so far... but we will make it everywhere eventually! Here are some of the friends that I've made so far!

It's been fun to meet people, but I'm glad that I came with my friend with Laura! I will be posting more about my adventures at Disney World! Miss you all!!