
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ten Days

Ten days of not blogging. It's not because I never had time. I was on blogger everyday reading other people's blogs and I thought about blogging.... but I could think of anything to say. Maybe that's my problem with blogging... I am uncreative. So you are getting a boring blog. Because I can't think of anything exciting, you get a update of just completely random things that have happened in my life! How fun!

So everyone on my hall is going away for Thanksgiving. It's awesome. I super jealous. I wish that I was going home for Thanksgiving, but it's actually okay because I have so much work that I need to do. It's so crazy that the semester is coming to end so soon. Twenty-three days from today I will be boarding a plane and heading back to good old Texas. I miss it. Not going to lie, but BYU is awesome.

So my sister Kelli lives quite close to me, but my other sister Julie goes to BYU-Idaho and she came down to Provo to visit this weekend. It was awesome to hang out with my sisters. While Julie was here I borrow her car to go back to my place a couple of times to get things done... It was SO weird. What is wrong with me? I used to be a good driver, but apparently three months of no driving takes a toll on you. Don't get me wrong, I didn't get in any wrecks or anything, it all went fine. But I was so scared the entire time. What has become of me? haha.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Miss you all!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Can we please discuss the fact that Glee is amazing? I already loved the show, and then they had to throw in a little bit of Wicked? Like I love Wicked. I was watching this week's episode at my sister's apartment and the second that they mentioned Defying Gravity (my favorite) I was on edge to hear them perform it!

When I first heard Kurt singing it I was like say whattt? But it's grown on me.
I can't believe he can sing that high.

It's just amazing. Love Glee, Love Wicked!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i love....

Lip Stuff.

Any kind of lip stuff. Chapstick, lip gloss, lip stick, and all of that stuff in between.

I have always had an obsession with it. My mom has issues with those cook books in the checkout lines at grocery stores. It's her weakness. The stuff on the front looks so delicious.
My weakness is chapsticks. I buy them all the time. They are all over the place. I have multiple ones in my purses, backpack, makeup bag, desk drawer, and then sometimes I just find them in random places. My personal favorite (right now) is the Blistex Silk and Shine.
I used to always think that this was a bad habit because I would spend a fortune on my lip products, but now that I live in the desert I am grateful for my chapstick obsession!

In other news.... 38 days until Texas!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Winter Classes!

I have good news team.

Last night I registered for my winter classes. Registering for classes is a huge pain for multiple reasons.

1. I am only a wee freshman so practically all my classes are full except the super terrible times.
2. BYU's server is the smallest one; aka it crashes anytime they have registration.
3. It is just stressful; I mean seriously, it's not like I want to take these classes!

Anyways. An hour before midnight I began looking at classes and deciding which ones I was going to take. It wasn't looking good and I thought I was going to have to take an EIGHT AM class. Not okay (I don't do mornings...), but when I got online that section was full, and the afternoon class had an opening!! Anyways, things kept working out for me! And my schedule is amazing. I don't have any classes on Tuesday. Thursday I have one, and Friday I have two. It is awesome!! I am looking forward to Winter semester now!

I am also taking a University Orchestra class! It's just a fun orchestra class. There is no audition and the only grades are showing up for class and the concert. I am very excited!

In other news... I absolutely love the girls on my hall! We like putting four beds into one room and having movie nights (only when our RA is out of town!)

It's always a party in Hinckley 2200!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some Days

There are some days that I am grateful for fat.

It doesn't happen often. Generally I wish I could shed off some of these extra lbs.

But there are some days when I am thankful I am not a twig. Living in Utah has shown me it can be good.

I am so cold here. Can you imagine how cold I would be if I was skinny? I don't even want to think about it!