
Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So much going on! Yes, if you were wondering, it did snow again last night. Yes I realize that it is April 13th. This has got to stop! But that's okay! Finals week is upon us! Today I had my last classes! No more classes until Fall! Reading days start tomorrow. Hopefully I will be ready for all of my finals on Friday and I can just go ahead and take them. It's going to be great. I got a feeling... mhhmmm. Hahah. Anywaysss. I began packing yesterday. It is so insane! So. Insane. It's really weird to see my walls bare. But it's getting me more and more excited for the semester to be over, to have a week with my family and then be in Florida! Luckily my sister lives in Utah and I'm going to store my things there over the Summer. Very convenient. She's so nice to put up with me and let me store my stuff there!
Saturday night I decided to go on a run because I really needed to. I was planning on running six miles but as I began running I felt so great. I decided I could go further. I ran eleven miles. It was great. By the end I could feel some blisters coming on, but I wasn't too worried because I get blisters on my feet a fair amount but they are never that bad. They usually go away within a day or so. But when I got home after my run I took my shoes off to see bloody socks! The blister on my left foot was awful. I could barely walk on it. Here is a picture of it. This was taken on Sunday so it was even worse the night before.

So yeah there's on my right foot too but that one doesn't bother me at all. Sorry my feet are gross. And sorry if that grossed you out. haha. But yeah I'm just really hoping that I feel fine by Saturday because I am running the Salt Lake Half Marathon. And that would stink if I was in pain the entire time! So this Saturday my goal is to run the 13.1 miles until two hours. I'm not sure I can do, but I am going to try!


Jules said...

YOu're disgusting....don't put those nasty nast pictures on your blog. You won't have any friends.

Allie said...

oh my goodness, your poor footsies! you are doing such an amazing job training for the half-marathon! i can not believe you are done with classes. tis amazing!

p.s. be sure to check your mail!

Kelli said...

EWWW... I almost tossed my cookies... and you are darn right that you have a nice sister. Thanks so much for all your help in getting me moved.

Anonymous said...

Battle wounds! Ew, but I am almost impressed. 11 miles? You are my hero. Give me some of your endurance, girl!

I love you and miss you very much! Can't believe you are done with school...DONE!!!

Disney very soon!

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