
Monday, April 5, 2010

my weekend.

Was kind of crazy, in a lazy kind of way. On Friday night went to my sister's house to hang out with her and to get away from the dorms! It was great! I spent all of saturday at her place too! We watched General Conference on tv. General Conference happens twice a year and it is where the prophet and leaders of our church talk to us. It's four hours on Saturday and four hours on Sunday. So I was able to watch those at my sisters! Saturday night I went home to get new clothes to wear. I also checked the mail and found that the new phone I ordered came in! I ordered it on ebay for $10. My blackberry finally bit the dust :[

As you can see, it has been through a lot... So now I have this phone until June when I get a new one. It is taking me a while to adjust to not having a qwerty keyboard! On Sunday I awoke to find that it snowed. AGAIN. That's like three times this week. It srsly needs to stop! It is now officially April, which means the snow has got to stop!
But it's okay because I will be out of here in three weeks! This is my last week of classes! Next week starts finals! And to make sure that I am productive, I have deactivated my facebook account. Even though I only did it yesterday, I am already feeling like I am so much more productive. I have gotten so much done!! I feel great. Last night I registered for my Fall classes! I am taking:
Chem 351M (Organic Chemistry for Majors)
Math 313 (Elementary Linear Algebra)
Phscs 121 (Principles of Physics 1)
Soc 111 (Introductory Sociology)
Rel C 355 (Judaism and the Gospel)

It's only 13 credits which is less than I have been taking, but I think it's a good load because these classes are really fundamental for me so I really need to focus on them!

11 days until my mom is here and my semester is over! and then 12 days until the Salt Lake Half Marathon. I am determined to break two hours! I was running a lot until I starting getting the first signs of shin splints. I've been taking it easy for the past five days. I also got new shoes so that should help. I think that tomorrow I'm going to try running and see how it goes!


Allie said...

oh my gosh, i love these blog updates! facebook can be super addictive, how do you do these deactivation business? i'm only taking 13 hours next semester too. and i am super jealous that your semester is almost over! good luck on those finals!

Anonymous said...

OMGSHHHH HOLLLY, last week of classes?! WOW! Good job on deactivating your facebook...I could never do it. You rock. Aw, your poor phone! But June is not too far away...kind of. Anyways, 13 hours is just fine! Those look like some toughie classes!

I miss you chickadee. I got letter today, and it made me so happy! You and your color schemes.


Caitlin said...

Good luck on finals! In a few weeks you'll be far away from the snow in Disney World!

Sister Holly Larson said...

Deactivate? You are so focused, girl. That's wonderful. There was a terrific article in the Ensign last month about the challenge of electronics taking over your life to the detriment of communicating with the Spirit. It reminded me of our "no t.v. except on the weekend rule" when all the kids were home. It iw wonderful to be able to identify the distracts in our live and then more amazing when we do something about them. Love you!

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