
Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello Readers!

Sorry that I haven't updated in forever but I've seriously been insanely busy. I took finals and they went pretty well. It was so amazing to finish my freshman year at BYU. I liked my time there, but I'm glad it is over. I really need a break. And I would say that working at Disney World could be considered a pretty good break :]
I took my finals on a Friday, the same day that my mom came in town. It was so exciting because I hadn't seen my mom since Christmas Break! I went to the airport where my sister, Julie, sister-in-law Amy, and nephew Jack were all waiting! Then all of us went to downtown Salt Lake City and checked into our hotel! Kelli joined us later as we went to Buca di Beppo to carb load! The next morning my mom, Amy and I got up super early and made our way to the start line of the SLC Marathon. The race was huge. There were like ten thousand racers.
It was a really hard race for me. I usually enjoy the first ten miles, and then the pain sets in, but not this time. I was feeling awful from the very beginning. But it was such an amazing race for me because even though it was one of the hardest things I've ever done, I felt so amazing. I finished in 1:59:36... my goal was to finish in under 2 hours. I just barely made it and it was such a thrill! I don't know what is wrong with me, maybe I am just an emotional person, but I was super emotional at the finish line! After the race we all headed back to my sister, Kelli's apartment. The next was just a lot of fun. I mostly just hung out at my sister's place with my mom.
We hung out and just had a lot of fun. We went and did some shopping, watched movies, and hung out with family. I saw my aunt and uncle which was fun because they are leaving in June to go to France on a mission for our church. I then went back to Provo to say by to the friends I had made my freshman year of college!

It was good to see them and I really hope we keep in touch with them next year!
That weekend we spent some time at a different aunt's house and babysat my nephew! He is so cute. We went bowling twice because he absolutely loves it! And he's pretty good. He totally beat me both times! Buttt.. I do have to say that he got bumpers and I didn't! haha.

On Sunday morning I flew to Houston and got to hang out with my Dad for like a hour. It was so good. I hadn't seen him since Christmas either. I missed him! I then caught a plane to Orlando, met up with my friend Laura and then we stayed at a hotel Sunday night. We woke up really early to catch a bus to Vista Way apartments to check into the Disney College Program! It was so fun. We got assigned to our apartment and moved in! The apartment isn't that great. But 2,800 people all from the disney college program live there and it's a really fun social place!

After we got moved in we went onto Disney property and got fingerprinted for background checks. Tuesday morning we got went and registered some information. They gave us a lot of information and then checked us for the "Disney Look." Pretty much just make sure you don't have too many piercings or tattoos and such. Well one of the requirements is that you don't have any extreme hairstyles or colors. Well apparently mine was too intense because they made me dye it. So now my hair is officially brown! Wahoo! Seriously Disney is super hardcore. If you do anything wrong they will kick you out of the program. Good thing I'm not going to do anything crazy or scandalous! Anyways! I also had a swim test for lifeguarding and I passed! Very excited. I found out that I am working at Port Orleans Resort. I will move around a little bit, but that is my main spot! I start training there tomorrow! On wednesday we got our passes that let us into the parks as much as we want! So of course we have been going as much as possible! We've gone to Magic Kingdom and Epcot so far... but we will make it everywhere eventually! Here are some of the friends that I've made so far!

It's been fun to meet people, but I'm glad that I came with my friend with Laura! I will be posting more about my adventures at Disney World! Miss you all!!


Allie said...

i can't believe they made you dry your hair! disney don't play.

Anonymous said...

oh dang. dying your hair. so intense. i've always liked brown on you. i hope you are having a blast in FL! :)

Caitlin said...

what? please explain why you had to dye your hair!

i can't wait to hear more about life at disney!

Allie said...

HOLLLYYYY! update your blog please!

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